Checking the salt levels and cleaning the pool are necessary to prepare your saltwater pool for the winter. This blog will explain why you should always clean your pool, balance the water in it, and check the salt levels.

Avoid Adding Salt

In the winter, the readings in your saltwater pool will be different. The chlorine generator will misread your salinity levels as lower than they actually are when the temperature drops. Salt test strips should be used for precise readings. To avoid adding too much or too little salt to your saltwater pool, always go by the manufacturer’s instructions. A pool with too much salt can react with impurities and produce unsightly stains, especially if it is left untreated during the winter.

Water Balance

Balancing the water in your pool involves more than just checking the salt levels. The pH of any pool is important to know because it indicates how basic or acidic the water is. Check the pH levels a week before closing your pool. The ideal ranges for pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness are 7.2–7.8, 80–120 ppm, and 200–400 ppm, respectively. If things are overly concentrated, make the necessary changes by adding the chemicals or plain water and letting the water circulate. In the event that any chemicals are out of balance, salt water may crystallize on your pool cover. Keep the pH below 7.6 if the calcium concentration is greater than 400 ppm to aid in preventing scale formation.

Maintain the Pool

When you close the pool for the season, you should clean and drain the entire system, including the pool. Clean your equipment to prevent chemicals from reacting with the air as they wait for warm weather. Allowing your pool filter to run longer than usual as the closure day approaches can help to guarantee that your pool is as clean as it possibly can be.

Winterize Your Water & Equipment

Winterizing is the final step in preparing your saltwater pool for the season. The necessary chemicals and equipment you need to winterize your pool are available in packets and kits that you can purchase online. However, discuss how to maintain your saltwater pool with our professionals at Sunrise Premiere.

Do you have any other queries regarding pools? Inquire with Baltimore Swimming Pool Pros

Baltimore Swimming Pool Pros is available to assist you if you still have questions regarding how to construct a new swimming pool. You may get pool chemicals, services, and more from Baltimore Swimming Pool Pros in addition to having your pool, spa, or hot tub built and installed. Give us a call at 410-349-3852 if you have any inquiries.