It’s the time of year when your air conditioner is working overtime. Keeping you and your family cool during the summer heat takes a lot of work, and that’s why it’s important to schedule regular AC maintenance. But what happens during this process? In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide to AC maintenance. We’ll explain what each step entails and its benefits for your unit. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Inspection of the AC’s Coil Unit

One of the first steps in AC maintenance is to inspect the unit’s coils. The evaporator coil and condenser coil play a vital role in the air conditioning process. If these coils are dirty, it can cause your unit to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills and shortened lifespan. During this inspection, HVAC experts will clean the coils and check for any damage.

2. Examination of the Filter

HVAC experts will also inspect the air filter. A dirty air filter can cause several problems, including reduced airflow and decreased efficiency. Replacing a dirty air filter is one of the easiest ways to improve your unit’s performance. We recommend that you check your air filter monthly and replace it as needed.

3. Air Ducts Repair

Next, the HVAC crew will take a look at the air ducts. If your air ducts are leaky or damaged, it can cause your unit to work harder than necessary and affect the quality of the air in your home. They will inspect the ductwork for any leaks or damage and make repairs as needed.

4. Inspection Of The Cooling System

During the AC maintenance process, technicians will carefully assess every aspect of your cooling system to identify any potential problems. One key component is the electrical connections, which are essential for ensuring that your unit operates properly. These connections can become loose over time, which can cause them to deteriorate and lead to other issues.

For this reason, it is important that we thoroughly inspect all of these connections during our HVAC services and make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.

5. Cleaning/Oiling of the Fan & Compressor

In ac maintenance, the fan and compressor are cleaned and lubricated to prevent these motors from burning out. Over time, the build-up of dirt and dust can cause the motors in your air conditioner to overheat and eventually fail.

By regularly cleaning both the fan and compressor, you can help to keep them running cooler and extend their lifespan. In addition, it’s important to make sure that both motors are properly lubricated. This helps to reduce friction and prevent wear and tear. By taking these simple steps, you can help to keep your AC unit running smoothly for many years to come.

6. Thermostat Maintenance

The thermostat is one of the most important components of an AC system, and it must be properly maintained. During AC maintenance, the thermostat is examined to ensure that it is taking accurate readings.

If the thermostat is not functioning correctly, it can cause the AC system to work less efficiently, potentially leading to higher energy bills. In some cases, the thermostat may need to be recalibrated to ensure that it is providing accurate readings. By regularly maintaining the thermostat, you can help to ensure that your AC system is working as efficiently as possible.

7. Refrigerant Levels Maintenance

Last but not least, we’ll check the refrigerant levels. If your unit is low on refrigerant, it can cause some problems, including decreased efficiency and increased wear and tear on the unit. We’ll check the level of refrigerant and add more if needed.

After completing all of these steps, your air conditioner will be running like new! Regular AC maintenance is the key to keeping your unit in good condition and ensuring that it lasts for years to come. For heating repair services and other HVAC-related offers, contact Oak Lawn HVAC today!